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Cyber Era- Boon or a Bane

At the outset, I wish all of you and your family members are safe at home during Pandemic and further pray that you all would be safe in future too.

As we all have seen global lockdown due to Covid-19, it has left two-fold impact all across. One there is no business in the market which has lead slow economic growth globally and second, Financial Frauds have been increased drastically all over the world. If I ask whether technology is boon or a bane, everybody reading this article would have different opinion as per their experiences. However, the bitter truth is that as we all are getting dependent on technology, the more we are vulnerable towards Cyber Crimes and our identity, information, financial details are at stake to innovative Cyber criminals.

Due to this Pandemic, people have been working from their homes, students are taking online sessions at home, and one thing which has been increased is the usage of internet and mobile phones. It is very important for each one of us to verify the legitimacy of each app or software that we use in our mobile phones, laptops, computers and networks.

I get lot of calls and emails every day from those victims who are seeking legal and/or technical support for their Cyber problems. According to me, it is very important to raise your Cyber concern, the moment you have identified it. Coz if you would not escalate the Cyber concern or would not take any action against it timely, you may have to suffer irreparable loss, which may or may not be compensated aptly.

What is more important is, that being a user of any app, software, service, etc. you should take precautions, as you could be one of the targets of the Hackers, who may target you and accordingly you would have to face the repercussions unnecessarily.

Now a days, most of the school students are taking sessions via different meeting/ online conference platforms like Zoom, Webex, Youtube, Google, etc. and I appeal all the parents and guardians that they should sit along with their children during every online session and keep an eye on all the activities being done by their children, especially when they are using mobiles. It is also recommended to keep checking the apps, softwares, games etc. downloaded by the kids and ask yourself whether it is really important for your kid to use that app or it may leave an adverse effect on your child physically, mentally, or emotionally. Keep routine surveillance on all the online activities of your children and keep updating them of various Cyber Crimes like Cyber Bullying, Impersonation, Phishing, Financial Frauds, Job Frauds, Email Scams, Hacking, Defamation, Cyber Stalking, Data Theft etc. and their negative effects too.

It is always important to be vigilant every time you use technology and never hesitate to escalate your Cyber problems.
Now, you can file a Cyber complaint online on National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal at “” or you may call national helpline no.  155260.

To consult or to take any legal advice/information related to Cyber Crime Complaint, you may email me personally at or call +91-9811572430.

Stay safe while connected to Cyber era….

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